2014 Edition
The first ‘official’ edition of the GSS was held from 8-12 September 2014 and had the general theme of Hegemonic/Subaltern.
After a public keynote address by Giuseppe Vacca (On Gramsci’s concept of hegemony), the activities consisted of eight work sessions, introduced by an equal number of lessons (Gianni Francioni, How Gramsci worked; Giancarlo Schirru, Hegemonic/subaltern in the linguistic perspective; Giuseppe Cospito, Hegemony/hegemonic in the Prison Notebooks (and earlier); Giovanni Semeraro, Subalterns and religion; Guido Liguori, Subalterns in the Prison Notebooks (and earlier); Peter D. Thomas, State, democracy and culture from the subaltern point of view; Fabio Frosini, Utopia, religion, democracy, subordination; Marcus E. Green, Subalterns after post-colonial and cultural studies). After the lessons, the School held a round-table discussion that was open to the public.
This first edition had participation by students Luciana Aliaga (Brazil), Francesca Antonini (Italy), Manuela Ausilio (Italy), Eleonora Forenza (Italy), Natalia Gaboardi (Italy), Robert P. Jackson (Great Britain), Ingo Lauggas (Austria), Rodrigo Lima (Brazil), Antonia Lovecchio (Italy), Camila De Góes (Brazil), Daniela Mussi (Brazil), Laura Nieto Sanabria (Mexico), M. Cecilia Pato (Argentina), Deise Rosalio Silva (Brazil) and Paola Zichi (Italy).
The 2014 GSS resulted in a monograph (Hegemonic/Subaltern) issue of the magazine International Gramsci Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, 2016 (http://ro.uow.edu.au/gramsci/vol2/iss1/).