The School’s governing bodies
The Ghilarza Summer School’s activities are coordinated by a steering committee and a scientific council composed of important Gramsci scholars:
Derek Boothman (formerly with the University of Bologna)
Joseph A. Buttigieg (University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, President of the International Gramsci Society)
Giuseppe Cospito (University of Pavia)
Gianni Francioni (University of Pavia)
Gianni Fresu (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, M.G. – Brasil, and the Gramsci House in Ghilarza)
Fabio Frosini (University of Urbino)
Dora Kanoussi (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México)
Fiamma Lussana (University of Sassari)
Mauro Pala (University of Cagliari)
Giancarlo Schirru (University of Tuscia)
Peter D. Thomas (Brunel University, London)
Giuseppe Vacca (Honorary President of the Gramsci Foundation of Rome)
Cosimo Zene (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London).
The President of the GSS is Gianni Francioni, Director of the new critical edition of the Prison Notebooks for the National Edition of these writings, and the school’s operation is entrusted to Fabio Frosini; the Steering committee is completed by Joseph A. Buttigieg, Giuseppe Cospito (GSS Secretary) and Giuseppe Vacca.