2016 Edition

The general theme of the second edition, held 5-10 September 2016, was Expansion of ideology: folklore, religion, common sense, good sense, philosophy.

After a public keynote address by André Tosel (Democracy, philosophy, ideology), the activities consisted of seven work sessions introduced by an equal number of lessons (Fabio Frosini, Ideology, superstructures, language; Giuseppe Cospito, Common sense/good sense; Cosimo Zene, Folklore, religion, common sense; Joseph A. Buttigieg, Gramsci’s concept of ‘intellectual’ and ‘culture’; Romain Descendre – Jean-Claude Zancarini, Expression, hegemony, ideology; Francesca Izzo, Philosophy, democracy, nation-state; Anne Showstack Sassoon, State, politics and intellectuals). After the lessons, Gianni Francioni held a public meeting on The expansion of ideology in Gramsci and the genesis of his articulation.

The students who participated in the second year of the GSS were: Francesca Antonini (Italy), Sabrina Areco (Brazil), Aaron Bernstein (USA), Martín Cortés (Argentina), Anthony Crézégut (France), Clara de Freitas Figueiredo (Brazil), Diana Grisel Fuentes De Fuentes (Mexico), Natalia Gaboardi (Italy), Nicole Gounalis (USA), Giuliano Guzzone (Italy), Robert P. Jackson (Great Britain), Marie Lucas (France), José Gabriel Rovelli (Argentina), Deise Rosalio Silva (Brazil) and Giacomo Tarascio (Italy).